North Eastham, MA

Location Type: Bus Stop

Service Note: Please signal to the driver to stop when you see the bus approaching.

To purchase tickets log on to or download our NEW Mobil APP in the APP Store or in the Google Play Store.
*Various fees will be added to all ticket prices at checkout.*

Contact Free Boarding: Show the driver your boarding pass from your mobile device or walk up to the bus and simply tell the driver your name.

Parking available onsite?: No

Traveling to Provincetown : Bus stop sign/bench outside the Town Center Plaza (4550 State Highway, Eastham, MA 02642)

Traveling To Hyannis/Boston/Providence/NY: Bus shelter/Sign on Rte 6 (located before Seaman’s Bank, and across the Street from Stewarts Seafood Restaurant).

Need More Info or Help?

For additional information, please visit Peter Pan Customer Support or open an online customer support ticket.

Please note, bus station and stop information is subject to change without notice.
Please confirm information prior to your departure. Tickets are non-refundable.